Official full release. Main differences with 0.1.2 include complete documentation and function descriptions. Also, there are some small updates to functionality.

Version 1 release

With the acceptance of the paper by MNRAS for which this work was written [1], we're able to release version 1.0!

Difference compared to the previous version (v0.1.2):

  • More complete and clear documentation
  • More consistency and completeness of class, method and function descriptions, shown with help(*function)
  • Some small updates to functionality, mainly for the quick functions.
  • Addition of the scripts that were used to find the results described in the paper.

[1] Quantification of the expected residual dispersion of the MICADO Near-IR imaging instrument, van den Born & Jellema, 2020, MNRAS. Accepted 2020 June 23. Received 2020 June 23; in original form 2020 January 24. ArXiv preprint